2022 Programs

Dear Mittagundi Community,

Over the past two years, like many non-profit organisations, we have adapted and worked through the challenges and impact of the pandemic.

Thanks to the dedication and generosity of staff, local community and supporters, we have been able to continue to operate and run courses.  This has come at no small cost as the spike in prices of everything from food to wages is impacting Mittagundi’s finances.

After careful consideration, Mittagundi Council have had to make a very difficult decision to cancel the majority of the remaining courses between September and December 2022.

We have been actively recruiting for the role of Director over 8 months, and unfortunately have not yet been able to secure someone in this role. This senior leadership role is critical to the safety of operations, overseeing the training and direction of our staff on the ground. Our priority is to provide programs for young people, with a fully staffed team.

We will continue to search for a new Director to join us and welcome any enquiries on this role if it may be of interest. Please share with your networks to help us continue to provide programs at Mittagundi in 2023.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Mittagundi Council